Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Governator

So, 2 friends and I were on campus going out for a graduating celebratory lunch last Friday when we bike by and see nearly 20 or 30 police men by Freeborn Hall blocking the road. We walk by and after getting severely hassled by Officer Pulsinger, we find out that Arnold Schwarzenegger and the President of Venezuela are at our campus!! We freak out thinking how cool this could be, to see Hugo Chavez in all his poorly planned land policies glory. :) After a moment to cool off, we then realize that this cop didn't even know what he was talking about and it was actually the President of Chile here. Nonetheless, we were excited and needed to figure out how to get in. Luckily, I am now the Aggie photo editor and have access to all sorts off goodies, such as an unlimited supply of "Photographer" business cards. Well, we go down to the Aggie, pick up a few cameras, and a few business cards and make our way over to Freeborn for the press conference. After a quick second with the head of security, we are given press passes and allowed to enter. I was amongst 20 other
photogs here to capture the event, which was pretty exciting for me. Anyways, here are the photos that resulted.

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